of the company Panda Solutions s.r.o., ID No.: 24259331, with its registered office at Malobřevnovská 904/33 , 16900 Praha 6, for the sale of goods through the eshop available at kidero.com (“eshop”)
We only publish verified reviews from customers who have purchased goods from us.
The published reviews come exclusively from customers who have actually purchased the reviewed products on our eshop.
How can I submit a review for the product I have purchased?
You will receive an email with a link to submit a review unless you do not express your disagreement with sending such an email with a link to submit a review via Heureka and Zbozi.cz. You can opt out during the order process straight before the order is sent.
Ranking of the reviews can be found at Heureka and Zbozi.cz, and the reviews can be filtered directly on these websites. As a rule, we display all reviews, whether they are positive or negative.
How is it ensured that product reviews are not fake?
Submitting a review. Only customers who have purchased products on our website can submit reviews of those products. We do this through Heureka and Zbozi.cz, to whom the information about the purchased product (order) and your name, surname and email is forwarded. This means that it is technically only possible to enter reviews of our eshop for customers who have purchased from us and are rating the user experience or the product they have purchased.
What should I do if I have received a link to a product review?
Within 14 days of receiving your order, you can contact us via email at hello@kidero.com and we will give you the link.
These guidelines are valid from 6 March 2024.