Infinite Space Adventure Set
Embark on a space adventure with the Infinite Space Adventure Set! Featuring a 75 cm rocket, astronaut figurines, and configurable modules, this educational playset sparks creativity and scientific curiosity. Perfect for young explorers aged 3 and above.
Infinite Space Adventure Set
Embark on a space adventure with the Infinite Space Adventure Set! Featuring a 75 cm rocket, astronaut figurines, and configurable modules, this educational playset sparks creativity and scientific curiosity. Perfect for young explorers aged 3 and above.
Infinite Space Adventure Set offers an exciting journey into the world of space exploration. This comprehensive set includes various components to experiment with and create your own space missions.
- A main rocket reaching 75 cm in length with realistic sound and light effects, offering the ability to be configured in 100 different ways.
- Includes 4 rocket boosters which can be attached to enhance power and range.
- A space laboratory module for conducting space experiments, inspiring children to engage in scientific scenarios.
- An operational mechanical arm for astronauts, allowing safe repairs and sample collection in space missions.
- Solar panels for harnessing solar energy as a power source during interstellar missions.
- Features astronaut figurines ready for thrilling space adventures.
- A rescue module for quick evacuation scenarios.
- Contains crew spacecraft and a rescue tower for secure launches and landings.
This educational and fun-packed adventure set not only provides an authentic space experience but also encourages creativity, scientific curiosity, and exploration.
Set Content:
- Rescue module
- Astronauts
- Solar panels
- Mechanical arm
- Rescue tower
- Crew spacecraft
- Drive module
- Main rocket
- Rocket boosters
- Laboratory capsule
- Basic module
Rocket Dimensions: 75 cm x 11 cm x 9 cm
Package Dimensions: 85 cm x 29 cm x 11 cm
Note: Requires 3 x 1.5V AG13 batteries (not included). Suitable for children aged 3 and above. Certified with CE and compliant with EN71 standards.