Fairy Princess Vanity Set
Discover the enchanting Fairy Princess Vanity Set for girls, featuring magical wand-activated mirror doors, interactive music, lights, and a working hairdryer. A fairytale addition to any child's room.
Fairy Princess Vanity Set
Discover the enchanting Fairy Princess Vanity Set for girls, featuring magical wand-activated mirror doors, interactive music, lights, and a working hairdryer. A fairytale addition to any child's room.
Introduce your little princess to the magic of beauty with the Fairy Princess Vanity Set. This enchanting vanity is perfect for young makeup enthusiasts, featuring a whimsical design where doors open with a wave of a wand, adding a touch of fairytale to any room.
This delightful vanity set includes a range of charming features and accessories:
- Combs and faux perfume bottles
- A functioning hairdryer
- Beads and various fashion accessories
- A magical wand to open the mirror doors effortlessly
Enjoy interactive play with music and lights that activate as the mirrors open. For added convenience, mirrors close automatically after about three minutes of inactivity, while an MP3 player connects for endless entertainment.
The hairdryer operates on batteries, and the set includes a magical wand and a light above the mirror, creating a complete magical atmosphere.
Product Dimensions:
- Height: 74 cm
- Width: Approximately 46 cm
- Depth: 30 cm
- Stool height: 24 cm
Packaging Dimensions:
- 72 cm x 56 cm x 7 cm