Magical House Adventure Game
Explore Gabi's magical house filled with surprises and feline friends in this fun adventure game for kids aged 3 and up. Enjoy a playful 15-minute game featuring a color dice for easy play.
Magical House Adventure Game
Explore Gabi's magical house filled with surprises and feline friends in this fun adventure game for kids aged 3 and up. Enjoy a playful 15-minute game featuring a color dice for easy play.
Embark on an amazing journey inside Gabi's magical house. Along your path, encounter cute feline friends and a plethora of surprises. This playful and creative game is perfect for young cat enthusiasts from the age of 3.
- Color dice determine the movement in the game, making it accessible for children who cannot yet count.
- A typical game lasts just 15 minutes.
- Join us for unforgettable fun and excitement with Gabi and her friends!
- 1 game board
- 6 cardboard figures with stands
- 1 colorful dice
- 1 set of rules
Dimensions of the Game Board: 48 x 32 cm